Expectations of Committees JWOF


Committee Members will select a CHAIR and CO-CHAIR. This does not follow the cycle of the Board elections and may be done throughout the tenure of the year. This means if the Chair decides to leave the Committee or has obligations that will not allow her to act in the capacity of Chair, another may be selected from the members of the Committee. This is also the same for the Co-Chair. However, there need to be those 2 positions. Once Chair/Co-Chair is identified, the Secretary should be advised within 5 days of the new leaders.


Communication will be via WhatsApp Group or Email, and the President or VP, or a member of the Board must be listed in the Group and made an Admin.

The JWOF Zoom account can be made available to any Committee group via submission of the intended meeting date/time to the Secretary so it can be scheduled.

Eligibility of Committee Members

Only members who are Regular members of JWOF may serve on a committee. In addition, all committee members must have been updated as active members once they continue to serve. If members are not paid up, the Chair or Co-Chair should give them a 10-day notice to make good on their account. This should be in writing via text, personal dm on WhatsApp or email.


Over the course of the period of the Committee, there should be regular meetings held with all members. There may be ad hoc reminders and notes via the Group Chat, but a meeting with all members must be held at least once every 2 months- it can be more regular for pressing issues. The only committee that may not necessarily follow this is the Elections and Bylaws committee, especially if the bi-annual members meeting was held to make amendments to the JWOF documents.


All Meetings must be minuted and stored in a central location for Board access (preferably on Google Drive).

The Minutes of the Committees must give the Secretary unfettered access so she may record among JWOF’s official documents. Minutes and Agendas should be accessible and provided at all committee meetings.

Below you will find a description of each committee.

+ Bylaws/Election


The Bylaws/Election Committee is tasked with updating and maintaining the Bylaws of JWOF a IRC 501(c)(3) Organization.

The committee periodically reviews and/or revises the Bylaws of the organization as recommended by the leadership or the membership. The goal is to keep the organization’s Bylaws, the rule of law used to regulate the organization current and relevant.

In addition, the Committee is responsible for conducting fair and transparent elections in accordance with Article XII of the Bylaws.

+ Membership


The mission of the JWOF Membership Committee is to develop and implement initiatives to promote membership growth. The Committee is primarily responsible for increasing membership through continuous recruitment of new members, renewal of memberships, and retention of current members.


  • Develop and implement membership goals and action plans
  • Structure the membership committee to best suit the needs of the organization
  • Be ready to articulate JWOF’s mission, objectives, and structure, and provide information regarding membership
  • Recruit members for the committee to ensure that there is enough help to accomplish JWOF's membership goals.

Volunteer Recruitment

  • Develop a roster of volunteers to assist the membership committee at all JWOF-sponsored events

+ Events/Retreat


The Events/Retreat Committee shall plan, organize and implement the Association’s events and bi-annual retreats, and partner with various community organizations in events that further the goal of JWOF. The Vice President shall be the chair of the Events/Retreat Committee.

+ Budget and Finance


The Budget and Finance Committee shall consider the Association's financial needs, plan, evaluate; make budgeting and general recommendations regarding financial policy to the Association; and offer advisement on ways and means by which funds to meet the operating budget can be realized. The Committee shall present an operation budget for approval by the general membership. The fiscal operating budget shall be voted on and must be approved by majority vote of the general membership not later than the third meeting of each fiscal year.

+ Mentorship


The Mentorship Committee shall create and monitor programming to assure that the mission of the Association to promote the welfare of women of Jamaican descent living in the State of Florida and in Jamaica by mentoring is carried out. (v) Marketing/Communications/PR: The Marketing/Communications/PR committee is responsible for the imaging and branding of the Association through its web and social media presence, for promoting the Association in the community and globally and for promoting all the Association’s events and partnerships.

+ Marketing


The marketing committee is responsible for promoting the JWOF brand and spreading the word about our public and members-only events. We use social media, email, radio and print media to assist us in our efforts.

The marketing committee also updates and maintains our website.

+ Scholarship


The Jamaican Women of Florida Scholarship Committee is responsible for reading and scoring all applications submitted by college-bound females of Jamaican heritage. Focused on the organization's mission to encourage emerging powerful women, JWOF's 4-year scholarship is valued at $5,000 and is intended to support the recipient's achievement of her four-year education at a tertiary institution.

Should you care to serve in the capacity of scholarship application reader, please call Sandra Brown at 305-934-2104. Your service is the saying goes, "many hands make work light."